
Why Hermes bags gain so great reputation

But in the Justinian herself there was other talk; whispers which were circulated forward and aft.
  Mr Hornblower has requested permission to speak to you, sir, said Mr Clay, the first lieutenant, one morning while making his report to the captain.
  Oh, send him in when you go out, said Keene, and sighed.
 Ten minutes later a knock on his cabin door ushered in a very angry young man.
  Sir! began Hornblower.
  I can guess what you re going to say, said Keene.
  Those pistols in the duel I fought with Simpson were not loaded!
  Hepplewhite blabbed, I suppose, said Keene.
  And it was by your orders, I understand, sir.
  You are quite correct. I gave those orders to Mr Masters.

