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Everybody in Harlem knows that Chink calls Johnny my gold vein, and if Johnny had any sense he'd just laugh, too. But instead of that he jumped up before anybody knew what was happening and pulled his frog-sticker and began shouting about how he was going to teach the mother-raper some respect. So naturally Chink drew his own knife. If it hadn't been for Val and Cheap Hermes Birkin have started chivving on him right there.

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She giggled suddenly. Mamie gave a start.   "It ain't nothing Fake Hermes Evelyne Mamie said sternly.   Dulcy's face fell. "I ain't laughing," she said. "I'm scared. Johnny's going to kill him."   Mamie went replica Hermes Evelyne went rigid. Moments passed before she spoke. Her voice was hushed from fear. Hermes Evelyne knockOff   "He ain't had to. But I know it. I can feel it."   Mamie stood up and put her arm about Dulcy. Both of them were trembling.

