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Can you believe that? I bring in the guy who killed my wife, and I get suspended. He goes free, and Im the one brought up on charges. He finally turned to face her. Does that make any sense to you? No, it doesnt, she answered honestly.
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Its pretty much done, Sarah answered as she put the pan in the oven. All I have to do is heat this for a half hour or so. But if you want, you can start the fire. And open the wine—its on the counter.
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I see that. Did you say thanks?
Thank you, Miss Andrews.
Youre welcome.
As soon as Miles approached, Sarah stood again and greeted him with a kiss. I was just kidding, you know. You look nice, too. Im not used to seeing you wearing a jacket and tie in the middle of the afternoon. She fingered his lapel slightly. I could get used to this.
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The row of budding trees, the new brick and limestone house-fronts, the Georgian flat-house with flowerboxes on its balconies, were merged together into the setting of a familiar scene. It was down this street that she had walked with Selden, that September day two years ago; a few yards ahead was the doorway they had entered together.
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